Having a plan in place to care for an ill or injured team member treats more than the affected individual. Being prepared to provide compassionate care tells the entire organization that you value every person.

Metro MedCALL delivers the right response—from first-aid, to testing, to transportation—so that people receive the care they need. And your employees know that their health and welfare is a top priority.
- Onsite first-aid treatment and drug & alcohol screening—24/7/365
- First-Aid—30-45 minute response
- Drug screen and BAT—60-minute response
- Inconclusive drug tests transported to Legacy Lab for confirmation
- Roundtrip medical transport to preferred clinic
- Roundtrip medical transport to hospital ED afterhours
- Pre-scheduled random drug screens and/or transport to medical appointments, physical therapy, etc.
- Personal illness transport home
- Respirator fit testing
- Annual flu clinics
Time is not on your side.
As emergency medical responders we know that rapid intervention is a key indicator for best outcomes. Metro MedCALL helps you get out in front of small or minor health issues before they become more serious.
MetroWest has been able to help us manage our safety incidents by being able to treat our employees at a very early onset of any incident/injury and minimize prolonged recovery. In addition, employees perceive the company as investing in medical professional treating services by having MetroWest be a key point in our safety protocols when dealing with injuries.
Julie C. Maloney, Human Resources Manager
Hartung Glass